A dream come true!

We opened our initial library in 2018, and within the first year of operations, it was already clear that we would need more space.  The community interest in our Library was growing each week, and our small room couldn’t accommodate all of the children who would come.  We also knew that some day, we would expand our program into more schools and be more serving more children and teachers on a weekly basis. 

So the dream for a bigger Center was planted in 2019, and we began the process of acquiring more land.  The road was long and winding, but God’s faithfulness was our constant anchor.  After many bumps along the way, by the end of 2020, the title deed was finally issued in our name and we could take the next step forward. In June of 2021, we broke ground on the land and laid the foundation for our new Center.

Phase 1 - Breaking Ground at our Building Site in June 2021

Then it came time for the daunting task of fundraising to complete the job. With lots of prayers and a mustard seed of faith, we followed God on the next step of the journey. We created a budget, developed a fundraising campaign, and prepared to hit the share button to all of our supporters. At the very same time as we set out to fundraise our greatest amount yet, the entire country of Zambia was in the midst of an election and there were some major changes happening on the ground. One of those changes involved a significant appreciation of the local currency, which meant our initial budget of $35,000 would not meet our needs. Rather, we needed to raise 30% more money to be able to complete the Center. Scared and uncertain, we continued to follow the dream God had placed in our heart years before, and we asked you all to give.

And you gave… and you GAVE… and YOU GAVE!!! You stepped up when we needed it most and gave enough to enable us not only to meet our budget needs, but to expedite the construction process. On October 17th, the construction crew started raising the walls. And because we had sufficient funds, we could overlap the many different projects that needed to happen at the same time. The raising of the walls, the building of a drainage system, connecting to local water, and more was happening thanks to our team on the ground.

Just three months later, the Center was complete, and was more beautiful than we could have ever imagined.

On February 4th, we invited our 19 partner schools to our Grand Opening.  Together, we celebrated God’s amazing provision and prayed for His blessings over our Center and the work to be accomplished here.  We ate, we danced, we played games.  And our Chibanja network of schools who we have known for 8 years gave some very powerful testimonies of how God has worked. The following week we began using the Center for school library visits, Community Day, and teacher training events.

We share this story with you so that we can rejoice together at what happens when we dream, and when we invite others to help us make our dreams come true. Already, our Center has expanded our impact. We have seen record numbers of children on Community Day. We have seen more adults engaged than ever before. We have been able to train more schools from our Center to expand our reach. And this is the just the beginning. Our dreams of a new Center are complete, and now it’s time to impact the world with it! Thank you for partnering with us to give children a life-changing education in Zambia!